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how to bleed a vertical column radiator ?

Click:257 / Publish:2023-04-23 13:07
Bleeding a vertical column radiator is similar to bleeding a traditional Horizontal Radiator, but there are some additional steps that you'll need to take. Here's how to bleed a vertical column radiator:
Turn off the heating system. Before you start bleeding the radiator, make sure the heating system is turned off and the radiator has had time to cool down.
Locate the bleed valve. The bleed valve is usually located at the top of the radiator, near one end. It may be hidden behind a cover or cap.
bleeding a radiator
Prepare your tools. You'll need a radiator key or a flat-head screwdriver to open the bleed valve, as well as a cloth or towel to catch any drips.
Open the bleed valve. Insert the key or screwdriver into the bleed valve and turn it counterclockwise to open it. You should hear a hissing sound as air begins to escape.
Wait for water to come out. As the air escapes, you should see water starting to come out of the bleed valve. Catch any drips with your cloth or towel.
Close the bleed valve. Once water is coming out of the valve, use your key or screwdriver to turn the valve clockwise to close it. Be careful not to overtighten the valve.
Check the pressure. After you've bled the radiator, you may need to check the pressure in your heating system and top it up if necessary.
Turn the heating system back on. Once you've finished bleeding the radiator and checked the pressure, you can turn the heating system back on.
Remember to repeat this process for each column of the radiator, starting at the bottom and working your way up. Bleeding your vertical column radiator should help improve its heating efficiency and ensure that it works as effectively as possible.